lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017


My favorite class of this semester is Personality Psychology, which is taught by Professors Danilo Sanhueza Órdenes and Uwe Kramp Denegri. This class has as a general objective  knowing the most relevant concepts and theories in the study of the human personality in relation to their respective historical, cultural and epistemological contexts, for which their main contents are to understand the associated historical, scientific and sociocultural context to reflection and modern research on human personality. identify the central concepts that explain the formation and functioning of the personality, recognize the main contributions of the different schools of psychology to the study of personality, identify criteria and means of evaluation in the area of ​​personality and develop a critical reflection on the notion of personality, its classifications and theories.

I like this class because I had always wanted to understand what makes up the personality of a person, understood as the set of characteristics that are specific to different individuals, which allow to describe, categorize, diagnose and eventually modify. In this sense, I like the space that this class gives to the development of critical reflection, which is something that we put (me including) in practice each class.

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

My favorite website related to psychology

My favorite website related to psychology (my career) is:
This is a website that is a blog like this, and talks about how our psyche works,  in different posts arranged in chronological order.
I visited this website very often before going to university when I dreamed of studying psychology because I was very interested in the field. Currently, after entering to study this career, I do not visit this site very often because the academic load does not give me much free time, but I visit it every time I remember it and I have time (approximately once a month).
I like this website because in psychology not everything is about perception and mental representations as abstract phenomena or as something that happens independently of our flesh and our nerves, and in this sense "Evolution and Neurosciences" provides interesting readings to know more about the machine that moves our ideas and emotions: the brain (and, by extension, our entire body), what has attracted my attention since I was little, motivating me finally to opt for this career.

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

Free Post 2: Something to say...

To have something to say, something to tell, a repressed experience, that you have kept for fear, fear or shame, something that you would want to release, something like pain, a wound stored deep inside your being. That's how I felt.
More than your treachery's and aggressions, I was hurt by what you made me believe, that no one would listen to me, you made me believe that heaven would not listen if I screamed in silence.
Shame and self-pity, some of the reasons I suffered in silence ... goes beyond not wanting to betray you, has to do with me, a constant struggle with myself, a struggle I did not want to externalize, I did not want to show. Put a breastplate for the rest, not see how fragile you can be, how weak the other gives you, but especially how little you value yourself to stay there.

Can you get out of there? Yes you can ... but to overcome you must free, open to the outside your greatest pains, like the one you - or rather myself - made me live.

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017


I like this picture because it’s an original wallpaper of “windows xp” that is a personal computer operating system that was produced by Microsoft like an operating systems and it was released in 2001. This picture makes me remember when I was a child and I liked play videogames and draw in paint app of this operating system.

who took this photo is a photographer Charles O'Rear, who calls it “bliss” (happiness), and it’s a photograph no manipulated about a meadow of north of San Francisco so nearby to the house of the photographer. This picture it was took in a morning of January in 1996; this artist was circulating with his car when he simply saw the image he had been looking for a few months. The land is a vineyard in reality, but a parasite of the vine called “phylloxera” forced to remove the plants and to plant grass for a time to recover the land.

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

Free Post 1

Emotional blackmail is the basis of many toxic relationships wherein the blackmailer constantly manipulates the will of others by provoking negative feelings so that satisfy their desires. 
Currently it is especially important to be aware of these toxic dynamics so as not to reach situations of abuse expressed in phrases such as "I am aggressive because you provoke me" or "I have been unfaithful because you do not give me enough."

In practice, we all resort to some kind of emotional blackmail, but not all degrees of blackmail are the same. Some are innocent; However, others are so twisted that they may end up psychologically destroying the other person. 

In emotional blackmail the manipulation works for making others feel bad. Generating, Fear of the other's anger, Blame for making "unhappy" the other, Low self-esteem, Dependence, insecurity. In a toxic relationship that does no good to anyone.

English language challenges

Learning English at the University has been very useful for me, since I came with a terrible base from my school, although I really liked ...